Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fish in trouble and unhealthy for consumption

Environmental Defense Fund Seafood Selector

Just thought I'd pass along some important information regarding your selection of fish next time you eat or buy fish. I know that fish populations have been stressed for quite some time but it's worse than I imagined. The populations of everyone's favorite sushi fish, the bluefin tuna, are in serious trouble. I think my biggest surprise was the high levels of PCB's in farm-raised salmon.

It's worth a look. Check your local chemical levels as I'm sure that these numbers differ from region to region.

Update: I found all the previous info while showing my daughter the Monterey Bay Aquarium webcams, which I highly recommend. Shortly after publishing the post, I came across this great diary on Daily Kos from bob zimway regarding the pitfalls of fish farming. I highly recommend taking a few minutes to read this post.

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