Straight from the horse's mouth:
“Even though it may take some years, the fact that we are exploiting those reserves would have psychological impact that I think is beneficial."
McCain's statements in support of offshore drilling and sudden admission of minimal benefits were made in the presence of oil executives and environmentalist CA-Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger, respectively. Conveniently, McCain has also stated that the final decision to drill off our coasts would rest in the hands of the states themselves and a lift in the federal moratorium would not be a federal mandate. It's the best of both worlds for McCain as land-locked voters are open to drilling while many Florida and California residents don't seem to want any part of that plan. To make things even more confusing, McCain is now proposing a greener government as well as offering a $300 million dollar prize for a new auto battery.
Does McCain want to drill or not? Does he have a yet-to-be-made-public comprehensive plan to integrate various energy technologies or is he just fishing? Maybe the only way we'll know what stance McCain takes on any given day is to identify the audience to which he is speaking. Or maybe flip-flopping is essential to being a Maverick as he can be labeled as unpredictable.
All joking aside, I'm not alone in my expectation that McCain will think and act like Bush if he were elected to office and all of this flip-flopping is nothing more than lip service to catch up in the polls. If McCain has done one thing consistently since announcing his run for presidency, he's voted with Bush on nearly every single bill that has come through the Senate. In many instances, he's overturned his own stances to in an effort to garner the support of core Republicans. And that leaves us with one question that will be the most accurate predictor of McCain's decision-making abilities in the White House: What would W do?
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