Saturday, August 9, 2008

Must-see movie

Bill Maher's new movie "Religulous" doesn't open in theaters until October 3. In case you are unfamiliar with his work, Bill has given us such cultural gems as Real Time with Bill Maher and Politically Incorrect. "Religulous" chronicles Bill traveling the world in search of religious hypocrisy, which really isn't too hard to find but provides great material in the hands of the right person, and the advanced reports on "Religulous" suggest it will be very entertaining. The film is directed by Larry Charles, the gentleman who gave us "Borat", so you immediately get a sense of what's coming.

Some moments I eagerly anticipate as taken from the LA Times article:
    • In Holland, Maher is in the midst of questioning a somber Muslim cleric when he's interrupted by the cleric's cellphone, whose ring tone is Led Zeppelin's "Kashmir."
    • You know irreverence is the order of the day when Maher, reacting to a smooth-talking black preacher's boast that he got a great deal on his $2,000 suits, drolly observes, "I find it interesting that you're a Christian, you used to be a Muslim but you buy all your clothes like a Jew."

Should be worth a large popcorn and a box of Junior Mints.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Olympics or Super Bowl halftime? You be the judge.

I know I'm being a bit of an uncultured louse but do the Olympic Games opening ceremonies ever remind you of an overstaged Super Bowl halftime show? There's just enough kitsch to make me hurry to the fridge to get another beer because the second half is about to begin.

Update: Alright, I'm a louse. I made my observations from several photos and extrapolating to many past ceremonies. I actually got to watch the ceremonies last night (Hours after I made my orginial post) and I was wrong. Last night's performance was quite stunning and didn't remind me too, too much of the Super Bowl. The jury is still out for other opening ceremonies.


(Photo courtesy of

What else can one say regarding the Brett Favre debacle? Watching the whole thing unfold on a national stage, I was reminded of the Buffalo Springfield song "For What It's Worth". Great song that's not entirely pertinent to this situation (It was written as an anti-Vietnam song) but one line stands out in particular: "Nobody's right if everybody's wrong". Really Brett, could you have a little larger ego and play an even more pathetic drama queen? And Ted Thompson/Mike McCarthy, would it have killed you to treat the face of the franchise with a little more respect?

The big losers in this whole saga are the Packers fans themselves. No matter who's side you're on, the PR beating the organization took will take some time to salve. And Favre ended up in a less than ideal situation with the Jets with little hope of another Super Bowl run. If both sides could have compromised somehow, the Packers might have had another run at the Super Bowl this year, considering most everyone returned to a team that was whiskers away from playing the Patriots. I realize we'll be fine and we'll reap the rewards of the next two seasons down the line, but how many chances do you get at the Super Bowl? I just can't help but be reminded of Joe Montana playing his final years as a Kansas City Chief (Something I unfortunately witnessed firsthand).

And really, for me as a lifelong Packers fan, I'm most saddened by seeing Favre wearing a uniform other than the green and gold. None of this had to happen.

Good luck Brett.